REMOTE COMMAND | REMOTE MONITOR | STATUS WORD S0000 - Error 8 Decoding [.83] | N-Parameters | N0 Parameters | N6 Homeflag Offset or HFO | REMOTE PARAMETERS - Save Antenna Parameters | Reset Antenna ^0090 [.94] | REMOTE TILT | REMOTE BALANCE | REMOTE DISHSCAN ON | REMOTE SAT REF |
There are a few remote commands that can useful for troubleshooting.
Meaning | Ref | AZ | EL | CL | |
@ | No Fault | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
A | CL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
B | LV | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
C | CL+LV | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
D | AZ | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
E | AZ+CL | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
F | AZ+LV | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
G | AZ+LV+CL | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
H | Az Ref | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
I | Az Ref+CL | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
J | Az Ref+LV | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
K | Ref+LV+CL | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
L | Az Ref +Az | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
M | Ref+Az+CL | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
N | Ref+AZ+LV | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
O | Ref+AZ+LV+CL | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
P | Stability Limit | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Q | Stab Limit +CL | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
R | Stab Limit +LV | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
S | Stab + LV + CL | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
T | Stab Limit + AZ | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
U | Stab + AZ + CL | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
V | Stab + AZ + LV | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
W | Stab+AZ+LV+CL | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
X | Stab + Ref | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Y | Stab+Ref+CL | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Z | Stab+Ref+LV | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
[ | Stab+Ref+LV+CL | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
\ | Stab+Ref+AZ | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
] | Stab+Ref+AZ+CL | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
^ | Stab+Ref+AZ+LV | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Stab+Ref+AZ+LV+CL | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
To decode an error 8 in the Status Screen without DacRemP, enter S0000 [.83 in the DAC03] in the Remote Command screen, and then press ENTER again to REMOTE MONITOR to read the status word or S word.
It is important to read the result from the REMOTE MONITOR window, (by pressing ENTER a second time) and not the immediate response that one gets in the REMOTECOMMAND window, which is sometimes not complete.
New Status Word Calculator
The third letter or symbol after the S indicates the pedestal error. The @ symbol in the word SIH@ indicates no error. The table shows the fault meanings where AZ, CL, and LV are motor drive limits and Ref indicates Azimuth reference fault or home flag.
The resultant status word can be decoded by the table. A status word of SIHD for instance would indicate that the azimuth drive limit had been exceeded, whereas a status word of SKHG would indicate a fault with all three axes. This will give some indication of what to look for when going to the antenna.
The Stab Limit or stability limit indicates that the antenna is not pointing to the intended position that the PCU has been commanded. This may be the result of imbalance, bearing friction, cable binding, wind loading or a failing motor. A pointing error of more than 0.5 degrees will activate the Stab Limit alarm condition.
Status Word Calculator
Do not use N parameters unless you are sure of what you are doing. It is easy to enter the wrong settings, making the antenna unstable or unuseable.
To interogate the antenna for the current settings the remote command format is NX999 where X is the identifier.
N0999 = PCU system type. This also sets all teh gains for that particular system type.
N1999 = CL gain
N2999 = EL gain
N3999 = AZ gain
N6999 = Homeflag offset.
N7999 = Dishscan phase parameters.
To interogate the antenna for the current settings the remote command format is NX999 where X is the identifier.
N0999 = PCU system type. This also sets all teh gains for that particular system type.
N1999 = CL gain
N2999 = EL gain
N3999 = AZ gain
N6999 = Homeflag offset.
N7999 = Dishscan phase parameters.
Model | N0 | N1 | N2 | N3 | N7 |
PCU Type | CL Gain | EL Gain | AZ Gain | Dishscan | |
6011QOR | 001 | 051 | 051 | 035 | 085/106 |
4009 Gilat | 002 | 020 | 016 | 016 | 026 |
6009 C | 003 | 051 | 051 | 035 | 021 |
4009 | 004 | 040 | 020 | 020 | 026 |
3004 | 005 | 024 | 020 | 010 | 029 |
5009 | 005 | 050 | 040 | 020 | 021 |
4004 | 006 | 024 | 024 | 014 | 025 |
6009 Ku | 006 | 051 | 051 | 035 | 022 |
5004 | 007 | 050 | 050 | 020 | 029 |
4009Mini BUC | 007 | 030 | 016 | 016 | 026 |
4003a | 008 | 030 | 030 | 020 | 009 |
5009 Mini BUC | 009 | 030 | 016 | 030 | 022 |
9497S | 010 | 050 | 050 | 030 | 149 |
3011Mini BUC | 011 | 016 | 016 | 024 | 022 |
3011 | 015 | 016 | 016 | 016 | 042 |
4006 | 020 | 076 | 046 | 026 | 009 |
6006 Ku | 022 | 065 | 059 | 025 | 093 |
ST60 | 022 | 051 | 051 | 035 | 021 |
6006 C | 023 | 065 | 059 | 025 | 068 |
4006RZA | 024 | 060 | 020 | 026 | 026 |
4009QOR | 024 | 040 | 032 | 028 | 021 |
4010W | 072 | 026 | 026 | 008 | 045 |
6003a | 073 | 051 | 051 | 025 | 025 |
5010 Mini BUC | 074 | 024 | 024 | 020 | 089 |
6004 | 076 | 051 | 051 | 025 | 025 |
4010 | 076 | 040 | 030 | 014 | 025 |
5010 | 077 | 050 | 050 | 026 | 025 |
4010KX | 078 | 050 | 050 | 026 | 025/004 |
8897R | 133 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 214 |
9497R | 133 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 214 |
9797 | 135 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 193 |
14497 | 135 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 214 |
12097R | 135 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 193 |
14497R | 136 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 193 |
8797R | 137 | 040 | 040 | 040 | 214 |
9697R | 138 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 214 |
9797R | 139 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 214 |
9997R | 140 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 214 |
8897B | 205 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 133 |
9497B | 206 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 133 |
12097B | 207 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 193 |
14400 | 208 | 071 | 071 | 071 | 193 |
14400B | 208 | 071 | 071 | 071 | 214 |
8797B | 209 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 133 |
9697B | 210 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 133 |
9711QOR | 210 | 051 | 051 | 035 | 149/149 |
9711 C | 211 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 193 |
9797B | 211 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 133 |
9711C | 211 | 050 | 050 | 026 | 193 |
14600B | 212 | 091 | 091 | 091 | 133 |
9597B | 213 | 071 | 071 | 071 | 192 |
9711 Ku | 215 | 050 | 050 | 050 | 193 |
If the antenna is not mounted exactly toward the bow of the vessel, small corrections can be made with azimuth trim, but large corrections should be made with the home flag offset.
If possible, the homeflag should be adjusted mechanically by moving the homeflag magnet in the antenna. If not possible, then a homeflag can be set in the antenna to adjust the antenna offset from the bow.
When the antenna lands on the home flag sensor the HFO tells it where it is relative to the bow. It will then continue to count up or down from that point.
Home Flag Offset is the position of the home flag sensor relative to the bow of the vessel.
For example, if the antenna lands on the homeflag sensor 25 degrees to port of the bow, (or 335 degrees relative to the bow) then we tell the antenna that it is at 335 and not 360. Each time the antenna passes the home flag sensor it will then be reminded that it is now at 335 degrees relative.
To make things more complicated, the homeflag units are not divided in 360 degrees in a circle, but 255 units representing 360 degrees. So we need to convert degrees to homeflag units before entering it into the N6 parameter.
To convert to homeflag units, take the degrees relative to the bow, divide by 360 and then multiply by 255. So in this example, the antenna stops 25 degrees to port, or 335 degrees to the physical bow of the ship. So we divide this by 360 to get 0.93... and then multiply by 255 and round it off to whole numbers of 237 (N6237).
Likewise, if the antenna hits the homeflag 25 degres to the starboard of the bow, the homeflag would be 025 divided by 360 x 255 or HFO = 18 (N6018) .
To enter the homflag in the remote parameters, the command is N6XXX where XXX is the HFO value. You need to continue down the menu to Remote Parameters and save remote parameters, or the homeflag will be lost when the antenna resets.
It is necessary to reinitialize the antenna for the new home flag to take effect.

When the antenna lands on the home flag sensor the HFO tells it where it is relative to the bow. It will then continue to count up or down from that point.
Home Flag Offset is the position of the home flag sensor relative to the bow of the vessel.
For example, if the antenna lands on the homeflag sensor 25 degrees to port of the bow, (or 335 degrees relative to the bow) then we tell the antenna that it is at 335 and not 360. Each time the antenna passes the home flag sensor it will then be reminded that it is now at 335 degrees relative.
To make things more complicated, the homeflag units are not divided in 360 degrees in a circle, but 255 units representing 360 degrees. So we need to convert degrees to homeflag units before entering it into the N6 parameter.
To convert to homeflag units, take the degrees relative to the bow, divide by 360 and then multiply by 255. So in this example, the antenna stops 25 degrees to port, or 335 degrees to the physical bow of the ship. So we divide this by 360 to get 0.93... and then multiply by 255 and round it off to whole numbers of 237 (N6237).
Likewise, if the antenna hits the homeflag 25 degres to the starboard of the bow, the homeflag would be 025 divided by 360 x 255 or HFO = 18 (N6018) .
To enter the homflag in the remote parameters, the command is N6XXX where XXX is the HFO value. You need to continue down the menu to Remote Parameters and save remote parameters, or the homeflag will be lost when the antenna resets.
It is necessary to reinitialize the antenna for the new home flag to take effect.
If cycling the power is not an option, due to the antenna power source not accessible, or the radome access restricted, one can do a soft reset by entering the command ^0090 and ENTER. You should see an error alarm light on the DAC and the antenna will be initializing. (Note that a soft reboot will not reset power to the GPS)
It is important not to save parameters while in balance mode and while the gains are set to zero. To exit balance mode simply turn the antenna off and on.
It can also be used with no gyro input, entering the heading manually from time to time when the antenna loses track.
If the heading from the gyro signal does not match the heading of the ship, the heading cables must be physically disconnected so that the compass cannot override the manual heading input.
Sat Reference OFF
With a good gyro heading source, Sat reference mode is turned off.
When Satellite Reference mode is OFF, the antenna stability relies heavily on the gyro signal and responds immediately to changes in heading. If the changes in heading are incorrect or if the heading is not changing with the vessel, the antenna will lose track very quickly, as the vessel turns.
Sat Reference ON
With Sat Reference Mode turned on, the antenna will only look at the gyro signal after it has lost track and needs to find the satellite again. It does not use the heading signal for antenna stabilization. Instead, it uses only the tracking signal from the satellite and the azimuth rate sensors.
In Sat Reference Mode, the antenna ignores the input from the Gyro while it is is tracking. It only looks for the gyro signal if it loses track of the satellite in order to find it again. After it has lost track you would need to enter the current heading manually in the SHIP MENU. It should then continue to track, without the gyro, using only the satellite signal as a reference.
To turn on Sat Reference Mode
To turn Sat Reference mode on, you need to go to the setup menu by holding the LEFT and RIGHT arrows together for 6 seconds until you see AUTOTRIM. Then ENTER...ENTER...ENTER all the way through the menus until you see SAT REF OFF (way down near the end of the menu).
Then press RIGHT arrow, UP arrow and ENTER to turn Sat Reference mode ON.
Continue pressing ENTER to REMOTE PARAMETERS then left arrow and ENTER to SAVE PARAMETERS. The DAC will respond REMOTE PARAMETERS SAVED.
Wrong heading from Gyro
To check if the Gyro heading input, manually change the heading to something else, and if it changes back, the signal is coming from the gyro.
If the gyro is putting out the wrong heading, you will not be able to manually enter the heading and the antenna will never be able to find the satellite.
If the heading from the gyro signal does not match the heading of the ship, the heading cables must be physically disconnected so that the compass cannot override the manual heading input. Sat Reference Mode only works if there is no gyro signal to the antenna and you have entered the correct heading manually, or if the gyro is putting out the correct heading but only intermittently.
If the gyro heading from the compass is wrong, you will need to physically disconnect the gyro cables from the TMS (Rx+ and Rx-) or disconnect the 9 pin ribbon cable from the DAC, to allow you to manually enter the correct heading of the vessel.