AN/USC69 (v)1 | 117MT |
Reflector Size 1.17 m
Polarization Linear
Rx frequency range 10.95 to 12.75 GHz
Tx frequency range 13.75 to 14.5 GHz
Temperature Range
Operational –28° to + 50° Celsius
Stowed –40° to + 70° Celsius
Wind Speed
Operational (tracking) 75 knots gusting to 130 knots
Survival (deployed) 100 knots gusting to 155 knots
Complete Terminal (ADE) Less than 200 lbs.
Movement Limits and Speed
Maximum Roll Velocity, degrees/sec 11.5
Maximum Pitch Velocity, degrees/sec 3.14
Maximum Yaw Velocity, degrees/sec 1.57
Maximum Combined Angular Velocity, degrees/sec 12.00
Maximum Roll Acceleration, degrees/sec2 7.01
Maximum Pitch Acceleration, degrees/sec2 4.93
Maximum Yaw Acceleration, degrees/sec2 2.47
Maximum Combined Angular Acceleration, degrees/sec2 7.75
Maximum Ship's Heading Rate of Change, degrees/sec 3.00
Radome 56” diameter; 57” Height

Reflector Size 1.17 m
Polarization Linear
Rx frequency range 10.95 to 12.75 GHz
Tx frequency range 13.75 to 14.5 GHz
Temperature Range
Operational –28° to + 50° Celsius
Stowed –40° to + 70° Celsius
Wind Speed
Operational (tracking) 140kmh gusting to 240kmh
Survival (deployed) 185kmh gusting to 285kmh
Complete Terminal (ADE) Less than 95kg.
Movement Limits and Speed
Maximum Roll Velocity, degrees/sec: 11.50
Maximum Pitch Velocity, degrees/sec: 3.14
Maximum Yaw Velocity, degrees/sec: 1.57
Maximum Combined Angular Velocity, degrees/sec: 12.00
Maximum Roll Acceleration, degrees/sec2: 7.01
Maximum Pitch Acceleration, degrees/sec2: 4.93
Maximum Yaw Acceleration, degrees/sec2: 2.47
Maximum Combined Angular Acceleration, degrees/sec2: 7.75
Maximum Ship's Heading Rate of Change, degrees/sec: 3.00
Radome 1,420mm diameter; 1,425mm Height